Evolver Wave Dump Utility
What is it ?
An application for Windows or Mac OS X that provides a simple way to load custom
single-cycle waveforms into the Evolver via MIDI.
The documentation is here :
... or check out the 'Cheat
Sheet' for a quick overview of operation :
Where can I get it ?
You can download a zip file containing the Windows version of the program and the documentation
from here :
... or a Mac OS X version from here :
http://daz.korgforums.com/evo_wave_dump.dmg PowerPC version 1.1
http://daz.korgforums.com/evo_wave_dump_ub.dmg Universal Binary/Intel version 1.2
What's the latest version ?
The latest versions are 1.3 (Windows), 1.1 (Mac OS X PowerPC) and 1.2 (Mac OS X Universal Binary), check in the About ... box to see if
you have it. If not download the latest build using the
link above.
Darren Richards - October 2004
Hits : 32198